Practical information


Our apartments are located in the hearth of Balestrand. Short distances to everything you should need. Grocery stores, resturants, tourist information and walking distance to boat (Bergen, Flom), bus and parking

How do i book an apartment?

We use Airbnb for booking. Under the menu Apartments you will find a list of available apartments. All apartments have a direct link to aribnb for booking.

About our apartments

  • All the apartments have a balcony. With view of the fjord
  • The apartments are fully furnished
  • Simple check-in and checkout using keybox
  • Short distances to grocery store, resturant, tourist information and everything you need
  • Easy access, walking distance from public transport like boat, bus
  • Bathroom, shower and washing machine
  • Bedsheets included
  • Kitchen with refrigerator, stove and freezer
  • Living room with sitting area and TV
  • Internet
  • Check-in and checkout

    The apartments have a keybox near the entrance. We will provide you with information about the adress, keybox code and more after you have completed the booking. Checkout before 1200 a.m the day of departure. Cleaning is included, but we kindly ask you to leave it in the same condition as when you arrived.

    Something is wrong, who can i contact?

    Call us at +47 47 28 97 48 or send an email to